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10 Reasons to Use Kiely Wealth Advisory Group


  1. Experience – Dr. Kiely has been involved in investment education since 1987. As a professor of Finance, he has taught at UNC-Asheville, East Carolina University, Texas A&M University, the University of South Florida and Cal State. Currently, he provides investment education seminars in both the public and the private sectors throughout North Carolina and across the country. Dr. Kiely has been actively managing money since 1990. His firm is registered with the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Our advisor representatives include two PhD’s and more than 25 years of investment experience.
  2. Personal Service – Kiely Wealth Advisory Group is very proud of the level of personal service available to our clients. We offer investment education, individualized advisory and portfolio management, private consultations, and direct, open communication with our clients.
  3. Absence of Commissions – Kiely Wealth Advisory Group receives NO commissions from financial products and is not tied to ANY products. This provides freedom from bias in recommending one investment product over another. Our incentive is to create the most effective portfolio possible for our clients.
  4. Management Fees – Please see the Fee Schedule section of this website for more information. For all client accounts with a market value of less than one million dollars, we charge a yearly fee of 1.0% of the managed assets. This fee-based approach insures that our interests are in harmony with that of our clients. Because we are compensated solely for portfolio management, we have no incentive to recommend certain investment products or to generate frequent account transactions involving “load fees” that reduce the clients’ invested principal. Our compensation results directly from the growth of the clients’ assets. The more successful we are in our management of those assets, the more clients will earn and the more we are compensated. Conversely, if clients’ assets decrease in value, our compensation decreases. This certainly gives us a great deal of incentive to make portfolio assets grow.
  5. Regular Consultations – We monitor client accounts and investments on a regular ongoing basis and we encourage our clients to meet with their advisor representative on a regular basis as a way of insuring that the current investment strategies are still appropriate for their situation. During each consultation, we review the status of all of the funds; their money managers; we rebalance the account (if necessary); review any distributions; and make sure the risk exposure is appropriate for the client.
  6. Quarterly Newsletter – Each quarter our clients receive a newsletter containing updates on current developments in the financial markets and providing timely, common sense articles designed to be informative and educational. These newsletters also provide information on all of our managers and their past returns.
  7. Systematic Reporting – All of our clients receive a concise and easy-to-read monthly (or quarterly) reports directly from TD Ameritrade (or Schwab). Kiely Wealth Advisory Group also provides a quarterly statement of earnings as well as a portfolio performance summary detailing the growth of each of the assets in your portfolio. You can use this information to compare each holding to an appropriate benchmark in our quarterly newsletter. We regularly monitor our client accounts closely as we want to be sure that our managers are performing well versus their respective benchmarks. In doing so, we increase the odds that our clients’ accounts are matching the growth of the overall market as it grows. At year-end, TD Ameritrade (or Schwab) sends year-end tax reports to simplify record keeping.
  8. Account Access – Clients have quick and easy access to all of their regular accounts through TD Ameritrade’s web-pages.  When money is needed, withdrawals are a simple phone call away. We can also establish automatic withdrawal plans if desired. Those who are older than 59 ½ can receive monthly or periodic withdrawals from retirement accounts. There is no penalty or waiting period to release non-retirement funds.
  9. Ongoing Education – We provide investment education for all of our clients (both individual and corporate). We are committed to this strategy because we feel that people have the inalienable right to make choices based upon facts. We have found that people are more comfortable with their investments if they have some understanding of the basics of investing and the basics of market behavior. We encourage all of our clients to attend one of our formal seminars or schedule time for an individual session at our office.
  10. Honesty & Integrity – We teach our clients how to hold us accountable, we educate them about investing, we provide them with a list of questions to ask of us (or any financial professional), and we encourage active communication regarding their portfolios or suggestions for improving our services.


 The Bottom Line…

We continue to strive for excellence in this ever-changing world of investing.
We believe that our service is second to none.

  • Corporate Headquarters

    P.O. Box 756
    Oak Ridge, NC 27310
    Phone: 252-439-1888

  • Mountain Branch

    4 Highland Place
    Asheville, NC 28804
    Phone: 828-350-8681

  • Greenville Branch

    901 Forest Hill Circle
    Greenville, NC 27858

  • Coastal Branch

    1207 Earnley Cove
    Leland, NC 28451
    Phone: 910-579-8075

  • New York Branch

    8305 Decoy Run
    Manlius, NY 13104